Hi y'all! Yes, you read the title correctly! Allow me to explain and try to refrain from slapping me while saying "but you're in Hawaii"! So, yes, this place is gorgeous and amazing and all of that but it definitely has its challenges. Jaden is still battling allergies and developed a cold sore on his lip a few days ago. I thought it was healing quite nicely with
forcing putting Abreva on it every 30 seconds. This morning though he woke up with a huge blister on top of his "healing" cold sore. Normally it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but we have very important pictures to take tomorrow. More on that later.... Also, to add insult to injury, Jaden has developed a skin rash around his waistline and cuts on his ankles. This is a direct reflection between the amount of time he spends in water with his fins on. However, being the superhero mother that I am, I rushed out to buy him diaper rash cream (it keeps the sand from sticking to his skin) and fin socks to wear while he boogie boards. I'm crossing my fingers that all of these heroic measures will ensure a speedy recovery. Oh, and we got Claritin also, which seems to be helping.
Chris and I are doing fine in the health department. No allergies or skin rashes to report, but we both are sleep deprived! We are attempting to sleep in a double bed (sshhh, don't tell my parents) but are consistently woken up to the sun rising at 5:45 am or the birds
screaming chirping right outside of the window. We really might need a vacation after we return from our vacation.
Anyway, yesterday was Father's Day. We spent most of the day just hanging out. Jaden really, really wanted to go to the beach and so I took him while Chris took a nap. I had just unpacked all of our stuff, got comfortable, and started reading my book when Jaden limps over to me asked to go home because his rash and feet hurt. Grrrrr!!!
Today was much better! We drove to Kailua Beach and did our usual activities. Jaden had made a brief miraculous recovery and was able to spend most of the time in the water. One of the reasons I love this beach is because the water is so warm and the ocean floor is so soft. It was a tad bit windy today and the sand was blowing everywhere but we still had a good time. Below are some pictures of our day!
Tomorrow is a very exciting day, so stay tuned. Until then, I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the summer!
My future husband! |
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