I killed my first cockroach of the summer. My husband was content to watch me fight for my life. I thought about leaving his dead, lifeless body (the cockroach, not Chris) there as a warning to all of his little insect friends, but Chris made me flush him.
Jaden got his first surfing injury of the summer. He's was fine once we administered first aid (ice cream).
We saw a Hawaiian Monk Seal tanning himself on the busiest beach on the island. These seals are the only native seals to Hawaii and are also on the endangered species list. They are known to native Hawaiians as ʻIlio-holo-i-ka-uaua', or "dog that runs in rough water" and they have been adopted as the state mammal. The second this big guy came on land, the lifeguard put a huge rope around the area and posted signs to not touch, feed, or harass him.
We also saw Santa spreading holiday cheer down Kalakaua Avenue.
I wasn't paying attention when I was walking home, and I almost walked right through this little gathering. Oops! This was either a Bible study or an AA meeting. Neither of which I wanted to be a part of! So I took a picture instead.
I saw a rainbow on our walk home and the boys found a leaf in the shape of a heart and gave it to me.
Chris took this picture today while we were at the beach. We'll end on this! Aloha!
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