We have had a car since Thursday and all we have been doing is zoom, zoom, zooming around the island. We have been to Costco, Target, and Safeway. The refrigerator is filled to the max. I have been to about 5 different Ross stores, Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx, and the mall. We even managed to fit in a quick visit to the urgent care.
On Friday, we headed out to our favorite beach, Sunset Beach, on the North Shore. Before we arrived though, I wanted to stop at Giovanni's Shrimp Truck. It is probably one of the most popular food trucks on Oahu. Giovanni's opened in 1993 using a converted bread truck to sell shrimp. They have a limited menu, serving shrimp only three different ways. When we finally found a place to park, we realized there were easily 100 - 200 people there. This place was very busy, but their food did not disappoint. It was delicious! I would post a photo of it, but we ate it too quickly :) Another cool thing about Giovanni's is all of their customers are able to write on their food truck. This truck had thousands of peoples names and signatures. It was pretty cool. Apparently, back in 1993, a man by the name of Ed Hernandez signed his name to the shrimp truck after it had already closed. The next day, although the employees saw his signature, they decided to leave it on the truck. The following day a few more signatures appeared and that started a twenty plus year tradition that still lives on to this day. Any guesses where this guy, Ed Hernandez, was from? TEXAS!!

Saturday morning started out poorly but we managed to salvage the day. We're good sports like that :)
Jaden has yet to kick these allergies and it was so bad on Friday that even though we forced went to the beach, the salt water didn't clear him up. Thankfully, we found an awesome urgent care with no wait on a Saturday morning! It probably helped that we were the first people in line at 7:59 am. Someone write that down please, I was early for something!! The doctor gave us some antibiotics for his sinus infection and informed me that because he weighs 105 pounds, I can give him Claritin-D. Oh my! That "D" part in Claritin certainly makes a big difference. He's like a new human! It cleared him right up and we haven't had any problems since. Fingers crossed xxx
After the urgent care, we headed to Lanikai Beach. Chris and I relaxed and swam.
Jaden had other ideas...
Obviously we left once this little hussy showed up. Haha! I'm just kidding. They had matching suits. What's not to love??!
Today (Sunday), was a more eventful day. The boys decided they would hike Koko Head before we hit the beach. I offered to drive them there, but I would not be hiking it again. Been there, done that, I'm good. I gave Chris specific instructions on what Jaden was allowed to do while hiking down. I kept having horrible visions of the franchise plummeting to his death and then I wouldn't get my ocean front mansion. Priorities, people! Do you remember the view down?
They were eager beavers as they started up the mountain!
According to Chris, they made it up the mountain in about 30 minutes. 1,078 steps! I was impressed! They were all smiles at the very top and even more so at the bottom :)
Once they were finished, we headed to "Sherwood Forest" a local beach near Waimanalo. Jaden boogie boarded for awhile but there were jellyfish in the water and he got a few stings. He wanted to leave the beach until we pulled out a frisbee. He and Chris got caught up in a very intense game. How either of them wanted to move after their hike is beyond me!
Tomorrow we have to return our freedom mobile so we've dubbed the day as "Mellow Monday". I think we'll just hang out at the apartment and chill. It's hard work going to the beach every day :)
Also, tomorrow is the day we'll be getting our wedding photos. I'll post those just as soon as we get them. Aloha!!